About us

Welcome to Vriendly!
Here we present our organization and the Vriendly Vegan label.
Learn what our mission is and meet our team.

Hey Vriends!

Vegan - um Tierleben, die Welt und unsere Gesundheit zu schützen. Für eine grüne Zukunft verfolgen wir das Ziel, Menschen die vegane Lebensweise auf freundliche Art näherzubringen. Dabei freuen wir uns über alle, die ihren Horizont erweitern und vermehrt auf tierische Produkte verzichten möchten oder dies bereits tun. Als gemeinnütziger Verein ist es unsere Mission, die vegane Ernährung zu unterstützen und für alle einfacher zu gestalten. VRIENDLY International MTÜ zertifiziert vegane Produkte und hat mittlerweile das in der EU führende Vegan-Label für Gastronomie-Betriebe entwickelt und etabliert.

Durch unsere Zertifizierung streben wir eine klare und verlässliche Kennzeichnung veganer Optionen an. Das Vriendly-Label ist eindeutig vegan, unverwechselbar und transparent für Konsument*innen.

Why do we do what we do?

There are still not enough vegan certified products, so it can be a challenge for restaurateurs to distinguish vegan products from non-vegan products. Due to a lack of experience in reading the ingredient list or under time pressure, non-vegan food can end up in the shopping cart, which is later falsely declared as vegan on the menu.

Due to such incidents, vegans often find it difficult to trust non-certified products or services. An appropriate control with subsequent certification offers customers security and transparency when buying vegan products and meals. In addition to the ingredients, we also check the preparation and production of the products.

Numerous restaurants in Germany, Austria, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the UK and the Philippines already carry our vegan label. In addition, there are hundreds of product certifications in various countries. In this way, we make the vegan lifestyle easier for more and more consumers and contribute to a vegan-friendly future.

What is special about the Vriendly Vegan label?

  1. High contrast background

    • in order to immediately attract the attention of the customer when shopping
  2. Internationally protected trademark

    • to protect against abuse & to ensure our standards
  3. Reference to our website

    • for information for new customers
  4. Clear visual language

    • for instant understanding when shopping
  5. Understandable labeling

    • no confusion with “vegan” and “vegetarian” lettering
  6. Unique identification number

    • each label can be checked online with an individual ID for 100%

A few Vriendly Faces

The Vriendly team stands behind our vision at 100% and continues to grow. 7 employees are currently working to bring the Vriendly Vegan label to gastronomy and product packaging and to provide the Vriendly community with advice and support. Our employees accompany restaurateurs and manufacturers through the certification process and are happy to answer any questions you may have about vegan certification. The responsibilities and contacts can be found here!

Michael Kneifel



Carlotta Ohleman

Partnership Manager &

Cassandra Warnke

Certification Manager
Products and Non-Food

Eva Hofmann

Certification Manager


Stefanie Bous

Certification Manager

Nina Lotz

Certification Manager
Sweden & Marketing